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Tiger and Cub in the Snow Painting by Susan Cunniff

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Comments (7)

Susan Cunniff

Susan Cunniff

@Frozen in Time Art Photography - Thank you for featuring "Tiger and Cub" in the group FAA Uploads!

Nancy Carol Photography

Nancy Carol Photography

Congratulations! .... Your wonderful work of art has been presented on the HomePage in the group, 'ART FOR PASSION - PASSION FOR ART'. Thanks for sharing with all of us. If you wish, you can archive it permanently or promote it further in the Discussions Tabs .... Nancy

Susan Cunniff replied:

Much appreciated, Nancy!

Susan Cunniff

Susan Cunniff

@Janis Valba - Thank you for featuring my painting in the group, Just Perfect!

Susan Cunniff

Susan Cunniff

@Christina Schott - Thanks for featuring my painting in your group, Painting Cafe, on the 29th of September.

Susan Cunniff

Susan Cunniff

@ Julie Grimshaw - Thanks so much for featuring my painting on Your Story of Art on the 22nd of September.

Emily Bloom

Emily Bloom

I just love the colors and the way they are looking at each other!

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Tiger and Cub in the Snow by Susan Cunniff
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